Social Justice Organizations

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Social Justice Organizations
Organizations with a focus other than Criminal Jusice or Immigration in Pink
Organization abolitionist imm cj Mission Statement
PIC Abolition Mission
Abolition Apostles 1 0 0 To spark & support meaningful connections between people inside and outside prison in a way that transforms us all, rooted in our abolitionist belief that no one is disposable.
Abolition Journal 1 0 0 Abolitionist politics is not about what is possible, but about making the impossible a reality.
Abolitionist Law Center 1 0 0 In the long term, our vision and goal is total abolition of the current policing and carceral system and the establishment instead of community-driven, equitable, and holistic transformative justice systems.
Abolitionist Teaching Network 1 0 0 Abolitionist Teaching Network's mission is to develop and support those in the struggle for educational liberation by utilizing the intellectual work and direct action of Abolitionists in many forms.
Afrofuturist Abolitionists of the Americas 1 0 0 Afrofuturist Abolitionists of the Americas is a collective of revolutionaries within the Black freedom struggle and Afrikan liberation efforts, who bring a speculative vibe to our radical work.
All of Us or None 1 0 0 All of Us or None is a grassroots civil and human rights organization fighting for the rights of formerly-and currently-incarcerated people and our families. We are fighting against the discrimination that people face every day because of arrest or conviction history. The goal of All of Us or None is to strengthen the voices of people most affected by mass incarceration and the growth of the prison-industrial complex. Through our grassroots organizing, we are building a powerful political movement to win full restoration of our human and civil rights. Learn more about us by watching our videos Locked Up, Locked Out and Enough is Enough below.
Black Abolitionist Network 1 0 0
Black And Pink 1 0 0 Black & Pink National is a prison abolitionist organization dedicated to abolishing the criminal punishment system and liberating LGBTQIA2S+ people and people living with HIV/AIDS who are affected by that system through advocacy, support, and organizing.
BlackOUT Collective 1 0 0 BlackOUT Collective is a radical full service direct action organization. We build organizations’ capacity to execute creative and effective direct actions in service of their organizing and advocacy work. We do this through providing personalized direct action trainings and on the ground action support. We see ourselves as a “Liberation Lab”- a container for experimentation, deep space visioning and learning.
California Coalition of Women Prisoners 1 0 0 CCWP is a grassroots abolitionist organization—with members inside and outside prison—that challenges the institutional violence imposed on women, transgender people, and communities of color by the prison industrial complex (PIC). We see the struggle for racial and gender justice as central to dismantling the PIC and we prioritize the leadership of the people, families, and communities most impacted in building this movement.
California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance 1 0 0 CIYJA’s mission has always been rooted in the empowerment of young people. As we embrace this history, we understand the constant impact to our movement will be change; the change in political climate, the change in the ways our community is impacted, and the changes happening globally. We understand we are part of an evolving, changing world and as an organization, we commit to embracing these changes and responding to the needs of young people who are at the forefront across movements.
Critical Resistance 1 0 0 Critical Resistance seeks to build an international movement to end the prison industrial complex (PIC) by challenging the belief that caging and controlling people makes us safe.
Defund CPD 1 0 0 Defund CPD is a Black-led grassroots abolitionist campaign born out of the global uprisings of 2020 and built on the legacy of Chicago’s abolitionist freedom fighters. We believe that care and safety comes from investment in communities, not surveillance and people with guns.
Dignity and Power Now 1 0 0 Our mission is to build a Black and Brown led abolitionist movement rooted in community power towards the goal of achieving transformative justice and healing justice for all incarcerated people, their families, and communities.
Dream Defenders 1 0 0
Equal Justice Initiative 1 0 0 The Equal Justice Initiative is committed to ending mass incarceration and excessive punishment in the United States, to challenging racial and economic injustice, and to protecting basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in American society.
Fight Toxic Prisons 1 0 0 The Campaign to Fight Toxic Prisons (FTP) mission is to conduct grassroots organizing, advocacy, and direct action at the intersection of incarceration, health, and ecology. We aim to directly challenge the prison system, which is putting prisoners at risk of dangerous environmental conditions, as well as impacting surrounding communities and ecosystems by their construction and operation. We do this through two strategies:BUILD LINES OF SOLIDARITY & RESOURCE SHARING ACROSS HISTORICALLY-ISOLATED MOVEMENT & SUPPORT AND BUILD CAMPAIGNS LED BY THOSE MOST DIRECTLY IMPACTED
Florida Prisoner Solidarity 1 0 0 Florida Prisoner Solidarity (FPS) is a carceral abolitionist collective with membership expanding across the state, both inside and outside prisons. Our efforts are focused around the needs of all incarcerated individuals, their care networks, and the people in community with them.
Frederick Douglass Family Initiatives 1 0 0 To build strong children and to end systems of exploitation and oppression
IDOC Watch 1 0 0 Solidarity with prisoners, mass struggle against the Prison-Industrial Complex
INCITE! 1 0 0 INCITE! is a network of radical feminists of color organizing to end state violence and violence in our homes and communities.
Initiate Justice 1 0 0 Our mission is to end incarceration by activating the power of the people it directly impacts.
Interrupting Criminalization 1 0 0 We are a movement resource hub offering research, connection, learning, and practice for organizers, practitioners, and advocates on the cutting edge of efforts to build a world free of violence, surveillance, policing, and punishment.
Just Futures Law 1 0 0 Just Futures Law seeks to transform how litigation and legal support serves communities and builds movement power. We are experienced legal strategists who are part of a larger organizing vision led by impacted people.
MAMAS 1 0 1 MAMAS is a fiery feminist of color, abolitionist reproductive justice collective hailing from the heart of Chicago.
Mass Freedom 1 0 1 Mass Freedom aims to bridge grassroots movement organizations under a shared vision for community liberation. Building upon decades of work and visionary thinking by activists who have been leading the fight for racial justice, the project focuses on elevating on-the-ground efforts by sharing visions, solutions, and strategies for liberation.
Michigan Abolition and Prisoner Solidarity 1 0 0 Michigan Abolition and Prisoner Solidarity (MAPS) is a group of abolitionists organizing in solidarity with the imprisoned against the violence of incarceration. We’re joining a nationwide fight to end the prison and police systems that pose a constant threat to our communities.
Movement for Black Lives 1 0 0 The Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) formed in December of 2014, was created as a space for Black organizations across the country to debate and discuss the current political conditions, develop shared assessments of what political interventions were necessary in order to achieve key policy, cultural and political wins, convene organizational leadership in order to debate and co-create a shared movement wide strategy. Under the fundamental idea that we can achieve more together than we can separately.
Northeast Political Prisoner Coalition 1 0 0 The Northeast Political Prisoner Coalition (NEPPC) is an organization comprised of activists, former Political Prisoners/Prisoners of War and members of organizations dedicated to freeing Political Prisoners as well as ending Mass Incarceration.
Oakland Abolition & Solidarity 1 0 0 Oakland Abolition & Solidarity supports prisoners’ efforts to organize for their own self-defense against inhumane treatment. We function as a liaison, building bridges between inside and outside to support prisoners organizing their local chapters. We advocate the abolition of incarceration, white supremacy, and capitalism.
Prison Abolition and Prisoner Support 1 0 0 The prison-industrial complex, in all its forms, including; immigrant detention centers, city and county jails, as well as state and federal prisons, must be abolished. This is a social evil that must be eradicated. The prison-industrial complex does not keep the community safe; it profits the elite while ravaging our communities.
Prison Activist Resource Center 1 0 0 PARC is a prison abolitionist group committed to exposing and challenging all forms of institutionalized racism, sexism, able-ism, heterosexism, and classism, specifically within the Prison Industrial Complex (PIC). PARC believes in building strategies and tactics that build safety in our communities without reliance on the police or the PIC.
Prison Library Support Network 1 0 0 The Prison Library Support Network is an information-based collective founded in 2016 to support incarcerated people by organizing networks for sharing resources and building capacity for the movement for prison abolition in libraries, archives, and other knowledge-based institutions.
Prison Lives Matter 1 0 0 Prison Lives Matter is a United Front for Political Prisoners, Prisoners of War, Politicized individuals behind enemy lines and their organizations, as well as any outside formations in unison to abolish legalized slavery.
Prisons Kill 1 0 0 #PrisonsKill is a movement led by incarcerated people that aims to expose the abuse inherent to prisons.
Project Nia 1 0 0 Project NIA — “nia” meaning “with purpose” in Swahili—is a grassroots organization that works to end the arrest, detention, and incarceration of children and young adults by promoting restorative and transformative justice practices.
Research Action Design 1 0 0 RAD is a worker-owned team of radical creatives who help build the power, leadership and capacity of grassroots social movements in the struggle for justice and liberation.
Rustbelt Abolition Radio 1 0 0 Rustbelt Abolition Radio is an abolitionist media and movement-building project based in Detroit, MI. Each episode broadcasts the voices of those impacted by incarceration and explores ongoing work in the movement to abolish the carceral state (that is, prisons, police, courts as well as racial domination and capitalist exploitation).
Survived & Punished 1 0 0 Survived & Punished is a prison abolition organization. We believe that prisons, detention centers, all forms of law enforcement, and punitive prosecution are rooted in systems of violence, including racial, anti-trans/queer, sexual, and domestic violence.
Survived & Punished NYC 1 0 0 S&P New York is a grassroots prison abolition organization, dedicated to freeing criminalized survivors of gender violence held in prisons in New York.
The Marshall Project 1 0 0 The Marshall Project is a nonpartisan, nonprofit news organization that seeks to create and sustain a sense of national urgency about the U.S. criminal justice system. We have an impact on the system through journalism, rendering it more fair, effective, transparent and humane.
The Red Nation 1 0 1 We govern ourselves and our relations according to one simple philosophy: be a good relative.
Transform Harm 1 0 0 is a resource hub for ending violence. We are not an organization. This site offers an introduction to transformative justice. Created by Mariame Kaba and designed by Lu Design Studio, the site includes selected articles, audio-visual resources, curricula, and more.
Transgender Gender & Intersex Justice Project 1 0 0 TGI Justice Project is a group of transgender, gender-variant and intersex people, inside and outside of prisons, jails, and detention centers, creating a united family in the struggle for survival and freedom. We work in collaboration with others to forge a culture of resistance and resilience to strengthen us for the fight against human rights abuses, imprisonment, police violence, racism, poverty, and societal pressures. We seek to create a world rooted in self-determination, freedom of expression, and gender justice
Worth Rises 1 0 0 To dismantle the prison industry and end the exploitation of those it targets.
Immigration Focused
Advocates for Immigrant Rights 0 1 0 The mission of Advocates for Immigrant Rights (AIR) is to fight for the dignity, safety, and inclusion of immigrants in the United States, especially those most marginalized, through legal representation and advocacy.
Americans for Immigrant Justice 0 1 0 To protect and promote the basic human rights of immigrants through a unique combination of free direct services, impact litigation, policy reform, and public education at local, state, and national levels.
Boston Immigration Justice Accompaniment Network 0 1 0 We are a community network of faith communities, individuals and other activist groups working to reduce the escalating harm of our immigration system in the current political context.
Carolina Migrant Network 0 1 0 Carolina Migrant Network’s (CMN) core mission is to build and sustain services for people targeted by the Department of Homeland Security and Immigration (DHS). We provide compassionate and competent pro-bono legal representation. We organize with communities to disrupt the deportation pipeline/ system. We envision a world of empowered, self-determined, organized communities, free from the fear of deportation and family separation.
Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition 0 1 0 CIRC is a statewide membership-based coalition of immigrant, labor, interfaith, youth and ally organizations founded in 2002 to build a unified statewide voice to improve the lives of immigrants and refugees in Colorado and the United States. CIRC achieves this mission through non-partisan civic engagement, public education and advocacy to win fair, humane and workable public policies.
Community Justice Exchange 1 1 0 Community Justice Exchange develops, shares and experiments with tactical interventions, strategic organizing practices, and innovative organizing tools to end all forms of criminalization, incarceration, surveillance, supervision, and detention. We provide support to community-based organizations across the country that are experimenting with bottom-up interventions that contest the current operation and function of the criminal legal and immigration detention systems. CJE produces tools and resources for organizers to creatively tackle multiple drivers of criminalization and incarceration— including, but not limited to, money bail, court fees and fines, probation and parole, pretrial detention & supervision, and immigration detention & supervision.
Detention Watch Network 0 1 0 Detention Watch Network (DWN) is a national coalition building power through collective advocacy, grassroots organizing, and strategic communications to abolish immigration detention in the United States.
El Refugio Ministry 0 1 0 El Refugio accompanies immigrants at Stewart Detention Center and their loved ones through hospitality, visitation, support, and advocacy.
Envision Freedom Fund 1 1 0 Envision Freedom Fund works alongside impacted communities to dismantle the oppressive and interconnected criminal legal and immigration systems. With freedom as our guiding principle, we invest in innovative campaigns and programs that aim to win long-term, transformative change, while meeting the urgent needs of community members in the present.
Families for Freedom 0 1 0 Founded in September 2002, Families for Freedom is a NYC-based human rights organization by and for families facing and fighting deportation. We are immigrant prisoners (detainees), former immigrant prisoners, their loved ones, or individuals at risk of deportation. We come from dozens of countries, across continents. FFF seeks to repeal the laws that are tearing apart our homes and neighborhoods; and to build the power of immigrant communities as communities of colour, to provide a guiding voice in the growing movement for immigrant rights as human rights.
Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project 0 1 0 The Florence Project’s mission is to provide free legal and social services to detained adults and unaccompanied children facing immigration removal proceedings in Arizona.
Free Migration Project 0 1 0 Free Migration Project works at the intersection of law and community organizing to promote freedom of movement as a basic human right.
Freedom For Immigrants 1 1 0 Freedom for Immigrants is devoted to abolishing immigration detention, while ending the isolation of people currently suffering in this profit-driven system.
Garifuna Community Services 0 1 0 We are a non-profit organization; we are looking to enrich the Garifuna Community while also helping those in need of the services we provide.
Georgia Detention Watch 0 1 0 WE ARE dedicated to stopping the proliferation of 287(g) Agreements between localities and federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials as well as other attempts at local enforcement of immigration laws in Georgia. We deem such programs to be both unjust and unwise public policy. We believe that these programs lead to discrimination and less safe communities for all of us; WE ARE intent upon organizing to improve the conditions and expose the injustices of Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention centers as well as other immigrant detention facilities in Georgia. Our ultimate goal is the closure of all such facilities in our state; WE WILL deploy every skill and tool we possess to accomplish our mission.
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights 0 1 0 ICIRR is dedicated to promoting the rights of immigrants and refugees to full and equal participation in the civic, cultural, social, and political life of our diverse society.
Illinois Community for Displaced Immigrants 0 1 0 ICDI provides essential goods and housing with wrap-around care to asylum seekers and advocates for justice for immigrants at the local, state, and national levels.
Immigrant Alliance for Justice and Equity 0 1 0 The Immigrant Alliance for Justice and Equity is a political home where Mississippi immigrants and their children are empowered to dream about building a better world for their families through political education, grassroot leadership development, and community organizing.
Immigrant Defense Project 1 1 0 The Immigrant Defense Project (IDP) was founded over 20 years ago to combat an emerging human rights crisis: the targeting of immigrants for mass imprisonment and deportation.
Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project 0 1 0 The Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project helps low income immigrants improve their legal status and works for more just and humane laws and policies affecting immigrants.
Immigrant Legal Resource Center 0 1 0 The mission of the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) is to work with and educate immigrants, community organizations, and the legal sector to continue to build a democratic society that values diversity and the rights of all people.
Immigration Action Alliance 0 1 0 Immigrant Action Alliance is a 501c3 non-profit organization that provides direct support to our immigrant community, including hundreds of people detained at Broward Transitional Center in Pompano Beach, Glades County Jail in Moore Haven, and Krome Service Processing Center in Miami.
Immigration Advocates Network 0 1 0 Harnessing the power of technology and collaboration to support immigrants and their allies.
Immigration Services & Legal Advocacy 0 1 0 ISLA is a legal services organiza that defends the rights of our immigrant communities and advocates for just and humane immigration policy.
Innovation Law Lab 0 1 0 LAWYERS + CODERS + ORGANIZERS Fighting for immigrant and refugee justice.
Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity 1 1 0 Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity is a statewide California organization that connects clergy and people of faith to the work of social justice. We work to make the criminal justice system more just, and the immigration system more fair and humane.
Jefferson County Immigrant Rights Advocates 0 1 0 Jefferson County Immigrant Rights Advocates (JCIRA) remains committed to building a supportive and safe community for immigrants to live and thrive.
Juntos 0 1 0 Juntos is a community-led, Latinx immigrant organization in South Philadelphia fighting for our human rights as workers, parents, youth, and immigrants. We believe that every human being has the right to a quality education and the freedom to live with dignity regardless of immigration status.
Latinx Therapists Action Network 0 1 0 We are an online platform and network of Latinx mental health practitioners honoring and affirming the dignity and healing of migrant communities marginalized by criminalization, detention, and deportation.
Make the Road Connecticut 0 1 0 We believe that the path to change is to build the power of communities to organize themselves and fight back against inequities, sexism, institutional racism, and all the other -ism. Our members lead rallies, create strategies to win our campaigns, educate neighbors about their rights, and support community members who are currently in deportation proceedings, have had family members deported, or are children of parents who have been separated by deportation. Make the Road members work together to create an invaluable space where children and adults gather to share food, strategize, dance, laugh, & cry together.
Make the Road Nevada 0 1 0 Our vision for Nevada begins with building a strong grassroots foundation in Las Vegas and it ends with elevating the power of working class immigrant communities in every community around the state.
Make the Road New Jersey 0 1 0 Make the Road New Jersey builds the power of immigrant and working class communities of color to achieve dignity and respect. We do that through four key components that reach tens of thousands of individuals every year: Community Organizing to change the systems and power structures affecting our communities; Legal and Support Services to tackle discrimination, abuse, and poverty; Policy Innovation to rewrite unfair laws/policies and make our democracy accountable to all of us; and Transformative Education to develop leadership by amplifying our community members’ abilities to become leaders and lead in our movement.
Make the Road New York 0 1 0 Our model integrates four core strategies for concrete change: Legal and Survival Services to tackle discrimination, abuse and poverty; Transformative Education to develop community members’ abilities to lead our organization, our movement, and society; Community Organizing to transform the systems and power structures impacting our communities; and Policy Innovation to rewrite unjust rules and make our democracy truly accountable to all of us.
Make the Road Pennsylvania 0 1 0 To build power for justice in Latinx and immigrant communities and working-class communities of color. Empower community members to be the principal agents and leaders in challenging and dismantling systemic oppression through community organizing, policy innovation, transformative education, and dismantling systemic oppression through civic engagement and advocacy.
Mano Amiga 0 1 0 Mano Amiga organizes for systemic & cultural change around issues of criminalization & immigration
Mariposa Legal 0 1 0 Our mission is to advocate on behalf of and with immigrants through interprofessional collaborations that provide comprehensive and holistic legal representation, community education initiatives, and proactive data-driven responses to challenge immigration enforcement efforts.
Organized Communities Against Deportations 0 1 0 We defend our communities, challenge the institutions that target and dehumanize us, and build collective power through grassroots organizing and cross-movement building. We fight alongside families and individuals challenging these systems to create an environment for our communities to work, organize, and thrive with happiness and without fear.
Prison Policy Initiative 1 1 0 The Prison Policy Initiative uses research, advocacy, and organizing to dismantle mass incarceration.
Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition 0 1 0 The Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC) is a statewide, immigrant and refugee-led collaboration. Our mission is to build power, amplify our voices, and organize communities to advocate for our rights. Our vision is a stronger, more inclusive Tennessee where people of all nationalities, immigration statuses, and racial identities can belong and thrive.
Other Orgs
#MoreThanCode 0 0 1 #MoreThanCode aims to make the voices of these diverse practitioners heard. Our goals are to I. explore the current ecosystem; II. expand understanding of practitioner demographics; III. develop and share knowledge of practitioner experiences; IV. capture practitioner visions and values; and V. document stories of success and failure. We focus primarily on practitioners who work in the United States.
A21 0 0 0 Our mission is to end slavery
Abolish Slavery National Network 0 0 0 We envision a United States where all people, without exception, are free from slavery and involuntary servitude and where all people are protected by their state and federal constitution.
AI Now Institute 0 0 1 Founded in 2017, the AI Now Institute produces diagnosis and policy research on artificial intelligence. We develop policy strategy to redirect away from the current trajectory: unbridled commercial surveillance, consolidation of power in very few companies, and a lack of public accountability.
Algorithmic Justice League 0 0 1 AJL’s mission is to raise public awareness about the impacts of AI, equip advocates with resources to bolster campaigns, build the voice and choice of the most impacted communities, and galvanize researchers, policymakers, and industry practitioners to prevent AI harms.
Alliance for Justice 0 0 0 Creating a just, free, and equitable society for all.
Alliance of White Anti-Racists Everywhere-LA 0 0 0 The Alliance of White Anti-Racists Everywhere – Los Angeles (AWARE-LA) is an all-volunteer alliance of white anti-racist people organizing to challenge racism and work for racial justice in transformative alliance with people of color. We take collective action to build white anti-racist and multiracial alliances to contribute to a broad-based, social justice movement.
Allied Media Projects 0 0 1
American Civil Liberties Union 0 0 0 The American Civil Liberties Union is our nation's guardian of liberty, working daily in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country.
American Friends Service Committee 0 0 0 We bring together people of all faiths and backgrounds to challenge injustice and build peace around the globe.
Americans for Democratic Action 0 0 0 Americans for Democratic Action has been and will continue to be a forthright liberal voice of this nation. We work to advocate progressive stances on civil rights and liberties, social and economic justice, sensible foreign policy, and sustainable environmental policy. ADA advances this agenda by maintaining an active and visible presence nationwide, raising the level of debate on the side of the progressive movement and taking action on the national level. By working together with other like-minded organizations when we can and alone when we have to, we will never shy away from issues or opposition.
Amnesty International USA 0 0 0 Amnesty International is a global movement of millions of people demanding human rights for all people – no matter who they are or where they are. We are the world’s oldest and largest grassroots human rights organization. Since 1961, ordinary people across the world have chosen to take extraordinary action in defense of human rights for all.
Asian Prisoner Support Committee 0 0 0 The mission of the Asian Prisoner Support Committee (APSC) is to provide direct support to Asian and Pacific Islander (API) prisoners and to raise awareness about the growing number of APIs being imprisoned, detained, and deported.
Association for Progressive Communications 0 0 1 Our mission is to strengthen collective organising towards building a transformative movement to ensure that the internet and digital technologies enable social, gender and environmental justice for all people.
Bolder Advocacy 0 0 0 At Bolder Advocacy, we are lawyers, coaches and nonprofit experts with one big goal: to make advocacy easy and accessible for you, the nonprofit and foundation leaders who want to be great fighters for your cause.
California Latinas for Reproductive Justice 0 0 0 California Latinas for Reproductive Justice (CLRJ) is a statewide organization committed to honoring the experiences of Latinas/es to uphold our dignity, our bodies, sexuality, and families. We build Latinas’/es’ power and cultivate leadership through community education, policy advocacy, and community-informed research to achieve reproductive justice.
Center for Community Alternatives 0 0 0 Center for Community Alternatives (CCA) supports and builds power with people across New York State who have been affected by mass incarceration, criminalization and community disinvestment. Through a statewide network of direct services, advocacy and organizing, and by supporting the leadership of directly-impacted people, we advance civil and human rights for all New Yorkers. CCA works to build a world where everyone has what they need to thrive.
Center for Constitutional Rights 0 0 0 Center for Constitutional Rights stands with social justice movements and communities under threat—fusing litigation, advocacy, and narrative shifting to dismantle systems of oppression regardless of the risk.
Center for Critical Race and Digital Studies 0 0 1 We aim to ensure that the technologies we design and build strengthen democracy, reduce inequality and discrimination, minimize disparate harms, expand opportunity, and provide the means to empower communities of color.
Center for Policing Equity 0 0 0 Our work is powered by science. We gather and analyze data on behaviors within public safety systems and use those data to help communities achieve safer policing outcomes. Our goal is to make policing less racist, less deadly, and less omnipresent. We believe we can drive meaningful change by ensuring communities and law enforcement have the evidence-based resources they need to redesign public safety, build community trust, and achieve racial equity.
Chicago Community Bond Fund 0 0 0 The Chicago Community Bond Fund (CCBF) pays bond for people charged with crimes in Cook County, Illinois. Through a revolving fund, CCBF supports individuals whose communities cannot afford to pay the bonds themselves and who have been impacted by structural violence. Inability to pay bond results in higher rates of conviction, longer sentences, loss of housing and jobs, separation of families, and lost custody of children. By paying bond, CCBF restores the presumption of innocence before trial and enables recipients to remain free while fighting their cases. CCBF also engages in public education about the role of bond in the criminal legal system and advocates for the abolition of money bond. CCBF is committed to long-term relationship building and organizing with people most directly impacted by criminalization and policing.
Civil Rights Education and Enforcement Center 0 0 0 The Civil Rights Education and Enforcement Center (CREEC) is a nonprofit legal organization that fights for liberation and equity through the lens of intersectional disability justice. Our work is informed by grassroots movements for systemic change and centers the concerns and goals of people with disabilities who are confronting barriers to access to programs and services and resisting oppressive legal systems in the United States.
Coding Rights 0 0 1 Coding Rights is a feminist organization that contributes to the debates about the development, implementation and regulation of technologies from a collective, transfeminist, decolonial, and antiracist perspective of human rights. We utilize creativity and hacker knowledge to stimulate imaginaries and actions that challenge power inequalities.
Collateral Consequences Resource Center 0 0 0 The Collateral Consequences Resource Center is a non-profit organization established in 2014 to promote public engagement with the myriad issues raised by the legal restrictions and societal stigma that burden people with a criminal record long after their criminal case is closed. Situated at the intersection of the academic and advocacy communities, the Center provides a variety of research and practice materials aimed at legal and policy advocates, courts, scholars, lawmakers, and those most directly affected by criminal justice involvement. It also provides news and commentary about this dynamic area of the law.
CURB Prison Spending 0 0 0 Our three point mission is to reduce the number of incarcerated people in California; reduce the number of prison and jails in our state; and shift wasteful spending away from incarceration and toward health community investments.
Cville Area Harm Reduction 0 0 0
Data & Society 0 0 1 Data & Society is an independent nonprofit research organization. We believe that empirical evidence should directly inform the development and governance of new technologies — and that these technologies can and must be grounded in equity and human dignity. Recognizing that the concentrated, profit-driven power of corporations and tech platforms will not steer us toward a just future, our work foregrounds the power of the people and communities most impacted by technological change.
Data for Black Lives 0 0 1 Data for Black Lives is a movement of activists, organizers, and scientists committed to the mission of using data to create concrete and measurable change in the lives of Black people.
Data Justice Lab 0 0 1 The Data Justice Lab is a space for research and collaboration at Cardiff University’s School of Journalism, Media and Culture (JOMEC). It seeks to advance a research agenda that examines the intricate relationship between datafication and social justice, highlighting the politics and impacts of data-driven processes and big data.
Design Studio for Social Intervention 0 0 1 The Design Studio for Social Intervention partners with communities, artists, and social justice practitioners to imagine, demonstrate, and collectively rebuild places to be more just and vibrant. We function as a creativity lab for social justice work in the public sphere. The Studio is a space where activists, artists, academics and the larger public come together to imagine new approaches to social change and new angles to address complex social issues. We also design social interventions that engage populations in imagining and designing new solutions to social problems.
Design Trust for Public Space 0 0 1 The Design Trust for Public Space is a non-profit organization that unlocks the potential of New York’s public spaces. Our unique model catalyzes design ideas into action for a more just and equitable city.
Detroit Community Technology Project 0 0 1 Rooted in the Detroit Digital Justice Principles, Detroit Community Technology Project’s (DCTP) mission is to use and create technology rooted in community needs that strengthens neighbors’ connection to each other, and to the planet.
Detroit Digital Justice Coalition 0 0 1
Digital Equity Lab 0 0 1 The Digital Equity Laboratory uncovers and addresses structural inequities that persist and evolve as technology transforms our cultural, social, and political systems.
Drug Policy Alliance 0 0 0 The Drug Policy Alliance is the leading organization in the U.S. working to end the drug war, repair its harms, and build a non-punitive, equitable, and regulated drug market. Keep scrolling to learn how we do our work.
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights 0 0 0 Named after civil rights hero Ella Baker, we organize with Black, Brown, and low-income people to build power and prosperity in our communities.
Empowering Pacific Islander Communities 0 0 1 EPIC advances social justice by engaging Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islanders in culture-centered advocacy, leadership development, and research.
Equity and Transformation (EAT) 0 0 1 The mission of Equity and Transformation (EAT) is to build social and economic equity for Black workers engaged in the informal economy.
Exoneration Project 0 0 0 We fight to free the wrongfully convicted, exonerate the innocent, and bring justice to the justice system.
F12 Infoshop 0 0 0
Fair Chance Project 0 0 0 Our mission is to enable homeless children to have better educational opportunities and access to healthcare to ultimately break the cycle of poverty.
Faith in Action 0 0 0 We believe in a society free of economic oppression, racism and discrimination in which every person lives in a safe and healthy environment, is respected and included, and has agency over the decisions that shape their lives.
FAMM - Families for Justice Reform 0 0 0 FAMM’s mission is to create a more fair and effective justice system that respects our American values of individual accountability and dignity while keeping our communities safe.
Felony Murder Law Reform 0 0 0 The Felony Murder Law Reform (#FMLR) seeks to change the outdated and deeply unfair felony murder rule, which had allowed people who did not kill to nonetheless be charged, convicted, and sentenced as murderers. The current felony murder laws allow prosecutors to charge all accomplices to a crime with first degree murder. It does not matter if there was no intention to kill, if the death was accidental, or if the accomplice had no knowledge that someone else would kill. Everyone is just as responsible, as if they had planned and committed the murder themselves. In practice, this means that even if one was unaware that a killing would or did take place, they could still face a murder charge and receive a sentence equally or in some cases more severe than the actual perpetrator. This doctrine has been abolished for decades in all other common law countries, but many states still have these laws in place, including Minnesota.
FemTechNet 0 0 1 FemTechNet is an activated network of hundreds of scholars, students, and artists who work on, with, and at the borders of technology, science, and feminism in a variety of fields including Science and Technology Studies (STS), Media and Visual Studies, Art, Women’s, Queer, and Ethnic Studies. Launched in 2012, the network has developed and experimented with collaborative processes to address the educational needs of students interested in feminist science-and-technology studies. One of the current FemTechNet projects is the creation of an alternative to MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) called a DOCC: Distributed Open Collaborative Course. Another project is the Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Workbook.
FOCUS Initiatives 0 0 0 FOCUS Initiatives builds community with people returning from incarceration in Indiana.
Formerly Incarcerated, Convicted People and Families Movement (FICPFM) 0 0 0 The Formerly Incarcerated, Convicted People and Families Movement (FICPFM) is a national network of civil and human rights organizations led by people with conviction histories and their family members. Committed to transforming society by transforming the criminal legal system, we advocate legislatively, judicially, through direct organizing and stakeholder education in the communities where we live and serve.
Fortune Society 0 0 0 The Fortune Society’s mission is to support successful reentry from incarceration and promote alternatives to incarceration, thus strengthening the fabric of our communities.
Freedom, Inc 0 0 1 Freedom, Inc. engages low- to no-income communities of color in Dane County, WI. Our mission is to achieve social justice through coupling direct services with leadership development and community organizing.
Friends Committee on National Legislation 0 0 0 The Friends Committee on National Legislation is a national, nonpartisan Quaker organization that lobbies Congress and the administration to advance peace, justice, and environmental stewardship.
Global Justice Resource Center 0 0 0 We are a global, non-partisan, digital and real-world platform for connecting individuals and community organizations with us and each other. Our mission is to use our network to stimulate ideas and bring expertise and funding to people and groups who are innovative and successful and whose concepts and projects can be expanded to improve justice and well-being in communities.
Grassroots Leadership 0 0 0 We believe no one should profit from the imprisonment of human beings. We live in the most incarcerated society in the history of the world. Every day we confront a prison industry that preys on pain because locking people up dehumanizes all of us.
Hack the Hood 0 0 1 Hack the Hood’s philosophy of education is a justice-centered approach to data science education that emphasizes liberation through socio-political action within the tech sector by individuals, for themselves and the community.
Homeboy Industries 0 0 0 Homeboy Industries provides hope, training, and support to formerly gang-involved and previously incarcerated people, allowing them to redirect their lives and become contributing members of our community.
Hope for Justice 0 0 0 Hope for Justice’s vision is to live in a world free from slavery, and every step of the journey towards achieving this ambition is empowered by a global movement of supporters, campaigners, donors, fundraisers and freedom-bringers.
Human Rights Defense Center 0 0 0 The Human Rights Defense Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that advocates on behalf of the human rights of people held in U.S. detention facilities.
Human Rights First 0 0 0 Established in 1978, Human Rights First's mission is to ensure that the United States is a global leader on human rights. The organization works in the United States and abroad to promote respect for human rights and the rule of law.
Human Rights Watch 0 0 0 Human Rights Watch investigates and reports on abuses happening in all corners of the world.
iamWE Prisoner Advocacy Network 0 0 0 We, the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (IWOC), are a prisoner-led section of the Industrial Workers of the World. We struggle to end prison slavery along with allies and supporters on the outside.
IDA B. WELLS Just Data Lab 0 0 0 Housed in Princeton University’s Department of African American Studies, the IDA B. WELLS Just Data Lab brings together students, educators, activists, and artists to develop a critical and creative approach to data conception, production, and circulation. Our aim is to rethink and retool the relationship between stories and statistics, power and technology, data and justice.
Inclusive Design Research Centre 0 0 1 The IDRC is the nexus of a growing global community that proactively works to ensure that our digitally transformed and globally connected society is designed inclusively. We are depended upon to identify risks and catalyze opportunities for equitable inclusion when new technical systems and associated practices emerge.
Innocence Project 0 0 0 The Innocence Project works to free the innocent, prevent wrongful convictions, and create fair, compassionate, and equitable systems of justice for everyone. Our work is guided by science and grounded in anti-racism.
Intelligent Mischief 0 0 1
Jailhouse Lawyers Speak 0 0 0 Our projects are designed to create a bridge between outside and inside organizers. Our objective is to build our networks, build productive relationships and carry the banner for years to come.
Jericho Movement 0 0 0 Jericho is a movement with the defined goal of gaining recognition of the fact that political prisoners and prisoners of war exist inside of the United States, despite the United States’ government’s continued denial ... and winning amnesty and freedom for these political prisoners.
Justice Not Prisons 0 0 0 Justice Not Prisons (JNP) is committed to ending the massive overuse of incarceration in the United States. JNP seeks to shrink the criminal justice system while re-building devastated communities and preventing violence. We propose and support productive responses to crime, with a focus on the issue of discretionary sentencing. We provide information and resources for advocates, and potential advocates, to take action, particularly through local court watch advocacy projects. Through these projects, JNP aims to document the pervasiveness of excessive sentencing and its sources, as a means to foster action for more responsible sentencing.
Justice Policy Institute 0 0 0 Justice Policy Institute is dedicated to reducing use of incarceration and the justice system by promoting fair and effective policies.
Justice Warriors 4 Black Lives 0 0 0 Justice Warriors 4 Black Lives (JW4BL) is a collaborative project of community members fighting on the legal frontlines in support of Black liberation. JW4BL began in the summer of 2016 as a means to serve as the sword (mobilizer) and the shield (legal protection) for the Black Liberation movement in Los Angeles. During this time, we have been developing and offering capacity building community educational trainings focused on movement lawyering, legal observation, de-escalation, police intervention, jail & court support, and “Know Your Rights” training. By providing much needed legal support and skills development to activists, legal workers and community members working toward Black liberation, we are building a mass defense system of rapid responders and community trainers who can be quickly deployed to support frontline activists as they push for change in our communities.
JusticeLA 0 0 0 We envision an L.A. County where the well-being and health of the whole community is prioritized over incarceration.
JustLeadershipUSA 0 0 0 We amplify the power of people who have been directly impacted by the criminal legal system to self-organize and empower their communities to dismantle racist and oppressive systems in their communities to build a just U.S.
Kite Line 0 0 0 Kite Line is a weekly radio program and podcast that focuses on issues in the prison system and beyond.
La ColectiVA 0 0 0 La ColectiVA is an inclusive collaborative led by gente Latinx who are committed to upholding social justice and equity.
Labor Community Strategy Center 0 0 0 We build consciousness, leadership, and organization among those who face discrimination and societal attack–people of color, women, immigrants, workers, LGBT people, youth, all of whom comprise our membership. Linking mass struggles to the need for radical, structural change, we develop campaigns and demands that help build a revitalized world united front that can stop the rising tides of war, racism and imperialism, the ecological crisis and the growing police state. Our work often challenges both major political parties and takes on the organized Right. We fight to win.
LatinoJustice 0 0 0 LatinoJustice PRLDEF uses and challenges laws to create a more just and equitable society. We transform harmful systems, empower our communities, fight for racial justice, and grow the next generation of líderes.
Legal Action Center 0 0 0 The Legal Action Center (LAC) uses legal and policy strategies to fight discrimination, build health equity, and restore opportunity for people with arrest and conviction records, substance use disorders, and HIV or AIDS.
Legal Services for Prisoners with Children 0 0 0 LSPC organizes communities impacted by the criminal justice system and advocates to release incarcerated people, to restore human and civil rights, and to reunify families and communities. We build public awareness of structural racism in policing, the courts, and the prison system, and we advance racial and gender justice in all our work.
May First 0 0 1 May First engages in building movements by advancing the strategic use and collective control of technology for local struggles, global transformation, and emancipation without borders.
MediaJustice 0 0 1 MediaJustice (formerly Center for Media Justice) is building a powerful grassroots movement for a more just and participatory media —fighting for racial, economic, and gender justice in a digital age. Launched in 2009 by Malkia Devich Cyril, Amy Sonnie, and Jen Soriano — MediaJustice boldly advances communication rights, access, and power for communities harmed by persistent dehumanization, discrimination and disadvantage. Home of the MediaJustice Network, we envision a future where everyone has sustained and universal access to open and democratic media and technology platforms.
Minnesota Justice Research Center 0 0 0 We are dedicated to engaging in hard conversations, conducting rigorous and balanced research, and building bridges across differences in order to transform our criminal legal system.
Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop 0 0 0 Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop (MPWW) fosters literary community and a devotion to art inside Minnesota correctional facilities through high-quality creative writing classes and related programming. During incarceration and throughout reentry, we empower writers, challenge stereotypes about the incarcerated population, and promote a vision of rehabilitation and restorative justice through art. We also seek to bridge the divide between literary communities inside and outside of prison by creating platforms for our students’ work.
MIT CoLab 0 0 1 CoLab uses the planning discipline to connect MIT faculty, staff, and students with civic leaders and residents to co-create innovative solutions to complex challenges of urban sustainability.
Movement Alliance Project 0 0 1 Movement Alliance Project works to build a healthy movement ecosystem where organizations succeed in making transformational social change. We collaborate with organizations and alliances to develop strategy, collectivize the administrative capacity emerging projects need, and convene groups to deepen the interconnection and solidarity within and across sectors of organizing.
Nation Inside 0 0 0 Nation Inside is a platform that connects and supports people who are building a movement to systematically challenge mass incarceration in the United States.
National Employment Law Project 0 0 0 Founded in 1969, the nonprofit National Employment Law Project (NELP) is a leading advocacy organization with the mission to build a just and inclusive economy where all workers have expansive rights and thrive in good jobs. Together with local, state, and national partners, NELP advances its mission through transformative legal and policy solutions, research, capacity-building, and communications.
National Immigration Project 0 0 0 The National Immigration Project is a membership organization of attorneys, advocates, and community members who are driven by the belief that all people should be treated with dignity, live freely, and flourish. We litigate, advocate, educate, and build bridges across movements to ensure that those who bear the brunt of racist criminal and immigration systems are uplifted and supported.
NMCAN 0 0 0 NMCAN partners with young people to build community, promote equity, and lead change.
No New Jails NYC 0 0 0 No New Jails NYC is building power in communities throughout New York City and with its incarcerated members.
Our Data Bodies Project 0 0 1 We are a four-person team concerned about the ways our communities’ digital information is collected, stored, and shared by government and corporations.
Palante Technology Cooperative 0 0 1 We are a worker cooperative that provides technology consulting services to nonprofit progressive, social justice, & community organizations. Our tight focus allows us to specialize in tools specific to the needs of the movements we serve.
Palestinian Feminist Collective 0 0 1 We are an intergenerational collective of activists, organizers, practitioners, creators, thinkers, artists, scholars, healers, water and land protectors, life-givers, and life-sustainers. We are committed to achieving Palestinian social and political liberation by confronting systemic gendered, sexual, and colonial violence, oppression, and dispossession.
People’s Advocacy Institute 0 0 0 Our mission is to equip people most impacted by systemic violence with the tools to disrupt the criminal and juvenile punishment systems and create a new system founded in human justice, re-education, restitution, restoration and individual and collective healing.
Perilous 0 0 0 Perilous Chronicle is an independent digital research and media project focusing on prisons, protest, unrest, and repression in the US and Canada. Combining in-depth journalism with independent research and data analysis, Perilous seeks to amplify the voices of those resisting carceral systems and other forms of state repression.
Petty Propolis 0 0 1 Our work advances visionary resistance towards a more livable, humane society by leveraging poetry, literacy and literary workshops, anti-racism facilitation, and community-centered initiatives.
Prison Fellowship 0 0 0 Prison Fellowship believes that a restorative approach to prisoners, former prisoners, and all those affected by crime and incarceration can make communities safer and healthier. Our ministry is founded on the conviction that all people are created in God's image and that no life is beyond God's reach. As Christians, we believe that Jesus — Himself brought to trial, executed, buried, and brought to life again — offers hope, healing, and a new purpose for each life. He can make even the most broken people and situations whole again. Through an amazing awakening to new hope and life purpose, those who once broke the law are transformed and mobilized to serve their neighbors, replacing the cycle of crime with a cycle of renewal.
Prison Legal News 0 0 0 Prison Legal News, a project of the Human Rights Defense Center, is an independent 72-page monthly magazine that provides cutting edge review and analysis of prisoners' rights, court rulings and news concerning criminal justice-related issues. PLN has a national (U.S.) focus on both state and federal prison issues, with some international coverage.
Prison Riot Radio 0 0 0
Prisoner Reentry Network 0 0 0 Prisoner Reentry Network is dedicated to promoting successful transitions from incarceration to the community through advocacy, public education, community building, and distributing information to people anticipating release.
PrisonWatch 0 0 0 The mission of PrisonWatch is to make a human connection with those detained abroad. By visiting them we can help them during their detention and after release. PrisonWatch creates awareness about the situation of foreign national prisoners, draws attention to their distinctive needs and rights, and stimulates authorities to provide sufficient support during detention and after release.
Race Forward 0 0 0 Race Forward catalyzes movement building for racial justice. In partnership with communities, organizations, and sectors, we build strategies to advance racial justice in our policies, institutions, and culture.
Re:Store Justice 0 0 0
Recidiviz 0 0 0 We build tech that reduces the number of people in prison and on supervision, increases re-entry success, and makes communities safer.
Release Aging People in Prison 0 0 0 The Release Aging People in Prison/RAPP Campaign is a grassroots advocacy organization created and led by formerly incarcerated people, family members of people in prison, and advocates. We work to end mass incarceration and promote racial justice through the release of aging people in prison and those serving long sentences. We work to dismantle the racist policies of mass incarceration by expanding the use of parole, compassionate release, clemency, and other forms of release in New York State. We work with other organizations across the country to end life imprisonment in the United States. By organizing community power to free incarcerated elders, we work to uproot a system of endless punishment that fuels mass incarceration and damages Black and other communities of color.
Restore Justice Foundation 0 0 0 Restore Justice advocates for fairness, humanity, and compassion throughout the Illinois criminal legal system, with a primary focus on those affected by extreme sentences as youth.
Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights 0 0 0 We advocate for human rights issues and pursue strategic litigation to hold governments accountable at home and around the world. We foster a social good approach to business, celebrate agents of change, and to ensure change that lasts, we educate millions of students about human rights, training the next generation of leaders.
Ruckus Society 0 0 1 The Ruckus Society is a multi-racial network of trainers dedicated to providing the necessary tools, preparation, and support to build direct action capacity for ecological justice and social change movements. We work with Indigenous communities and other communities of color working to preserve their homes and environments and for climate justice.
Safer Foundation 0 0 0 At the very core of Safer Foundation is our belief in an unobstructed road to reentry. From our start in 1972, our mission has been to pave that road with stabilizing support, employment, education, and advocacy that empower justice-involved individuals to achieve their true potential. Here, we know opportunity is key—to empowering individuals, strengthening communities, and creating a better way forward for all. Clearing the landscape of systemic legal and societal hurdles is no small task, and one we’ve spent over half a century working toward.
SEED Network 0 0 1 Based on a survey of 200 founding SEED members, the mission and principles are defined to further social, economic, and environmental justice through all the design fields: architecture, industrial design, communication design, landscape architecture, and urban planning.
Sentencing Project 0 0 0 The Sentencing Project advocates for effective and humane responses to crime that minimize imprisonment and criminalization of youth and adults by promoting racial, ethnic, economic, and gender justice.
Showing Up for Racial Justice 0 0 0 Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) is a national organization that brings hundreds of thousands of white people into fights for racial and economic justice.
Sins Invalid 0 0 1 Sins Invalid is a disability justice based performance project that incubates and celebrates artists with disabilities, centralizing artists of color and LGBTQ / gender-variant artists as communities who have been historically marginalized. Led by disabled people of color, Sins Invalid’s performance work explores the themes of sexuality, embodiment and the disabled body, developing provocative work where paradigms of “normal” and “sexy” are challenged, offering instead a vision of beauty and sexuality inclusive of all bodies and communities.
Solitary Watch 0 0 0 Solitary Watch’s mission is to spur public debate and policy change on an underreported humanitarian crisis by promoting awareness, creating accountability, and shifting narratives.
Southern Poverty Law Center 0 0 0 At the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), we are unwavering in confronting racism in all its forms. Our mission is rooted in the belief that a society where Black communities thrive benefits everyone. We are guided by a deep commitment to building a future where white supremacy, poverty, and mass incarceration are relics of the past.
Stop LAPD Spying Coalition 0 0 0 The Stop LAPD Spying Coalition is a community organization founded in 2011. We work to build community power toward abolishing police surveillance. We are rooted in the Skid Row neighborhood of downtown Los Angeles, based out of the Los Angeles Community Action Network.
Students for Sensible Drug Policy 0 0 0
T.O.N.E U.P. 0 0 0 T.O.N.E U.P. Inc is a non-profit organization that provides re-entry services to formerly incarcerated men and women looking for a second chance. We provide one-on-one life coaching and character-building programs that promote healthy lifestyle choices to young men and women in the community who have been negatively impacted by faulty examples of manhood, love, accountability, and responsibility.
Tech Equity Collective 0 0 1 Tech Equity Collective accelerates Black innovation working alongside community and industry partners to unlock opportunities for aspiring Black professionals in tech.
The Bail Project 0 0 0
The Bay Area Transformative Justice Collective 0 0 0 The Bay Area Transformative Justice Collective (BATJC) is a community group based out of Oakland, CA working to build and support transformative justice responses to child sexual abuse. We envision a world where everyday people can intervene in incidences of child sexual abuse in ways that not only meet immediate needs but also prevent future violence and harm.
The Engine Room 0 0 1 Our vision is for social justice movements to use technology and data in safe, responsible and strategic ways, while actively mitigating the vulnerabilities created by digital systems.
The Work Department 0 0 1
Until We Are All Free 0 0 0 Until We Are All Free is a human rights organization led by formerly incarcerated criminal justice experts. We focus on building capital, resources and support to provide pathways to civic and economic liberation for individuals disenfranchised by mass incarceration.
Upturn 0 0 0 Upturn advances equity and justice in the design, governance, and use of technology. We believe technology should advance justice, not amplify racial, economic, and social inequities. Without focused attention, technology can reinforce systemic injustices found everywhere in our society.
Vera Institute of Justice 0 0 0 Vera’s mission is to end the overcriminalization and mass incarceration of people of color, immigrants, and people experiencing poverty. We pilot real-world programs developed with community members and the government.
Vigilant Love 0 0 1 Vigilant Love creates spaces for connection and grassroots movement to protect the safety and justice of communities impacted by Islamophobia and white supremacist violence in the greater Los Angeles Area.
We Are All Criminals 0 0 0 We Are All Criminals is a non-profit organization dedicated to challenging society’s perceptions of what it means to be “criminal.” Through shared stories of those who committed or were accused of committing crimes, those who got away with them, and those who have been directly affected by the criminal justice system, we seek to erase the barriers that separate us.
Women on the Rise 0 0 0 Women on the Rise is a membership-based organization led by and for a diverse sisterhood of Black women who are impacted by the legal system. Through community organizing and supportive services, we are building a powerful base of women with the skills and experience necessary to wage and win campaigns. We are striving to end mass incarceration and achieve collective liberation, while transforming ourselves and our communities.
Yes In My Back Yard 0 0 1 We envision an integrated society where every person has access to a safe, affordable home near jobs, services, and opportunity.
Youth Justice LA Coalition 0 0 0 The Youth Justice Coalition (YJC) is working to build a youth, family, and formerly and currently incarcerated people’s movement to challenge America’s addiction to incarceration and race, gender and class discrimination in Los Angeles County’s, California’s and the nation’s juvenile and criminal injustice systems.